Go Forth & Podsper!
The under-utilized marketing medium with a valuable, engaged, and growing audience.

Did You Know? 82% of monthly Gen Z podcast listeners report taking an action after hearing a podcast advertisement. (Source)
Organic search. PPC. Social media. YouTube. Traditional media. Direct mail. Paid sponsorships. Cold email. Cold calling. Display advertising. Influencer marketing. UGC. Customer advocacy. Affiliate marketing.
There are so many too many ways reach your target audience.
Well, today, we’re going to talk about yet another way—one that I rarely hear about.
And you know what?
The subject of this Friday edition of Data-Driven Marketing…
Podcast advertising
OK, yeah, the “Did You Know?” stat at the top gave it away. Too bad. We’re gonna talk about it anyway.
Podcast listenership is on the rise.
In 2013, 12% of Americans ages 12+ listened to at least 1 podcast per month. Today, 31% say they listen to at least 1 podcast per week.

Even better, it’s that valuable Gen Z demographic leading the charge.
47% of Gen Z’ers report listening to at least 1 podcast in the last month.
Those listeners report an average of 7.7 hours of listening time per week.
Even better, those are valuable eyeballs earholes. 82% of Gen Z monthly podcast listeners report taking an action as a result of hearing a podcast advertisement, including 70% who wanted to purchase a product or service they heard advertised.

Beyond just Gen Z, 50% of podcast listeners report listening to at least 9 podcast episodes per week. From 2021 to 2022, podcast downloads increased by 20% with listening time growing by a full hour.
Podcast marketing…for free?
Free podcast exposure?
Pinch yourself, because you aren’t dreaming.
It’s podsible!
Podcasters are content creators, and most content creators are on the lookout for 3 things:
Ideas/inspiration for great content
Opportunities to reach new audiences
Ways to increase their perceived authority
You can offer all 3 of those things.
Reach out to podcasts related to your industry and pitch yourself or a representative of your company as a guest.
Study up on the topics and tone of each podcast.
Come up with a topic that fits what that show tries to do.
Pitch yourself and your topic.
Yes, the top podcast categories are comedy, entertainment, and true crime, and it might be difficult to pitch yourself as a guest on those.
Plus, you probably don’t want to be the guest “expert” on a true crime podcast…

Gif by Jim_Carrey on Giphy
But don’t write off smaller, lesser known podcasts with a more targeted demographic. Even if you don’t get a ton of exposure, oftentimes you can pick up a free backlink on a relevant, albeit lower authority, domain.
84% of Gen Z says they’ve consumed podcast content that has a video component. If possible, try to find podcasts (or even YouTube channels) with a video component. That’s the type of content you can syndicate, cut, and share across all sorts of channels.
76% of monthly Gen Z podcast listeners say they discover podcasts through clips on social media. You know, that free medium that lends itself to virality? Even for those podcasts with smaller listenerships, those cuts and clips can be used and reused across various social media platforms.
Now, it’s time to go forth and podsper!
Look at everything we covered this week!
In case you forgot—or haven’t yet read, shame!—here’s what we discussed over the last week:
Thursday: What Mio’s Rebrand Says About the Future of Marketing
Friday: Go Forth and Podsper!
Got any questions about those subjects or want to suggest something for next week? Just reply to this email to let me know. See you Monday!
Everyone say, “Hi!” to Sasha P 👋
Question: Would you rather be able to talk to animals (but they all complain about their day) or be able to speak every language (but only be able to talk about the weather)?
Sasha P’s Answer: “Does ‘only be able to talk about the weather’ mean weather is the subject of the conversation or I only can use weather related words? If I can talk about other subjects but only use weather related words then I would choose that because it could be used as some sort of code.“

Gif by laff_tv on Giphy
ChatGPT-Generated Joke of the Day 🤣
What do you call a sheep with no legs?
A cloud.
Suggest a topic for a future edition 🤔
Got an idea for a topic I can cover? Or maybe you’re struggling with a specific marketing-related problem that you’d like me to address?
Just reply to this email and describe the topic.
There's no guarantee I'll use your suggestion, but I read and reply to everyone, so have at it!